There’s never been a better time to make a firm commitment to your personal health. In fact, the times demand it. Rest gives you the resilience you need to move through the unprecedented challenges we face. This rest immersion program will give you the tools to weather this storm with equanimity.
In 7 weeks, I’ll guide you in a private (can include up to three people) deep rest journey that will reset your nervous system for more vibrant health, move you towards healing physical and emotional and mental exhaustion, and open you to your most fulfilling and meaningful life.
We’ll be using Karen Brody’s Daring to Rest™ program and dive deeper into the three phases—Rest, Release and Rise. We’ll spend two weeks in each phase exploring the koshas (energy-bodies) and chakras (energy centers), practicing yoga nidra and learning supportive practices like energy yoga, mudras, mantras, aromatherapy and gentle movement. We will spend the last week integrating the teachings.
You’ll learn:
How to power down and regulate your nervous system
How to enter a state of deep relaxation
To develop a unique-to-you sustainable yoga nidra rest practice
How to harvest the insights from your inner world
How to listen to and trust your intuition
How to spark your creative fire and start dreaming again
The significance of the Rest, Release and Rise phases
Create a gentle space for your body, heart and mind
You’ll receive:
7 weekly live Zoom calls with teachings about yoga nidra and detailed information on each of the three Daring to Rest phases (recording will be available for download within 24 hrs)
Seven recorded yoga nidra meditations
Weekly yoga nidra instructions and optional practices
Access to a weekly group Yoga Nidra online class.
Bonus Material:
A bonus walking yoga nidra recording
A short recorded practice for on the spot rest
Printable worksheets to help you track of your soul whispers and discover your dreams
Rest Cave Guide