May You Be Well - Blue Moon
Once on a blue moon…
As many times as I
forget, catch myself charging forward
without even knowing where I’m going,
that many times I can make the choice
to stop, to breathe, and be, and walk
slowly into the mystery.
From Walk Slowly by Danna Faulds
Dear Rest Friends,
Take a moment to breathe and be still.
Soften your gaze.
Roll your shoulders up, back, and down.
Feel the four corners of your feet as they touch the ground.
Stand a little taller.
Smile and be grateful for something.
Hopefully, you take time to bask in the light of the blue moon. Maybe you can do something you’ve never done before. Then later, you can say, “Once on a blue moon…”
Blanca and I have taken on another walking challenge—this one is a 24-mile seven-day walk to Mount Fuji. I love the pictures and stories on the various checkpoints. It is inspiring me to make the actual trip—maybe someday.
This blue-moon Saturday, I will be on a virtual yoga retreat and training. It is a reunion with the community from Duke University’s Yoga for Seniors professional training. I love the gifted teachers and look forward to seeing some of my yoga colleagues. It’s a great way to practice yoga, catch up with friends, and learn about the latest research on healthy aging.
May you get treats that warm your heart this All Hallow’s Eve and honor your loved ones on the other side of the threshold on Dia de Los Muertos.
Be good to yourself, rest, and be well.
This week I was able to catch up on a couple of podcasts on my list. Brené Brown’s Unlocking Us episode with Emily and Amelia Nagoski on Burnout and How to Complete the Stress Cycle was a favorite. Such a great episode. Very affirming of yogic practices, and overall good information. Having experienced burnout more than once, I am encouraged to hear the research and the practices to tackle it head-on.
Photos of the Japanese gardens and Blanca enjoying a rest break on one of our walks.