May You Be Well - Tension And Release

Tension and Release

Dear Rest Friends:

This week I braved a dental visit, and I do mean braved. When I arrived, the receptionist handed me a new Covid-19 form. The form clearly stated all the possible calamities that could befall me by merely being inside the office. I contemplated a swift exit but remembered that my doctor reminded me how important dental cleanings are to heart health, so I stayed. 

I am not afraid of dental visits, and I love my dentist and his staff. But I was a bit anxious. I realized that I was accumulating tension all over my body, and I decided to release some of that tension. For some time, I have been trying to use only as much effort as is needed - no more, no less. I know that accumulated tension in the body equals trouble in the long run. So I began to relax different parts of the body using a couple of somatic exercises.


The blue blazer look

Suddenly, an image popped into my mind, and I started fighting back chuckles. It was a picture of my then 4-year-old grandson wearing his blue blazer. A while ago, my son sent me a text with the photo and told me that Joseph decided he wanted to wear his blue blazer to go to the doctor. It was funny to me that he wanted to dress up for his check-up. And the picture was precious. I kept back from a full belly laugh and held back as much as I could. But this helped me relax so much more. Laughing releases muscle tension and releases endorphins. Not to mention the cascade of good hormones released just thinking about loved ones! Later, I shared the story with the hygienist - who also has a young grandson, and we had a good laugh. I remembered how important humor and positive images are in times of distress. I walked away from the dentist's office with clean teeth and a reminder of the significant benefits we can get from these simple little practices. 

These two practices, tension-releasing with somatics and taking in good, positive experiences (like enjoying the picture of my grandson), change the brain. According to Rick Hanson, Ph.D., when we focus on positive experiences (by savoring them and letting them sink in for 5-30 seconds), we create new neural pathways that help incline the mind to more positive states. Thank goodness for neuroplasticity!

Also, I want to keep my promise and give you additional information on the 61-Point exercise, and I include it in a short document here

The leaves are finally turning, and it is a bit cooler outside. The outdoor walks are lovely these days, and Blanca is enjoying her daily dose of fall scents. This weekend I plan to visit a Japanese garden, and I can't wait. I hope you have an opportunity to enjoy fall colors, smells, and flavors.

Be good to yourselves. Cozy up in your rest nest, take a full-body stretch, rest, and be well.




See How the World's Most Polluted Air Compares With Your City's - good article - there's a visual depiction of PM2.5 (microscopic particulate pollution). Useful information about air pollution. There's some information about air quality in the Sacramento area during the Paradise fire. The article is from December of 2019, so there is no data on the current year included.

One minute Forest Bathing Experience Take one minute out of your busy mind and enjoy this mini forest bathing video.

In Autumn Woodsyou can enjoy a virtual walk in the forest. - there's some beautiful fall foliage. My late friend Christine loved the annual drive to see the Aspens change color in late October. We usually drove up to an area near Lake Tahoe and spent the day enjoying the forest and the colors. She was my buddy for over 30 years. I miss her very much. I spent time this week taking virtual tours of the fall colors and reminiscing. 

I have read Awakening Joy - 10 Steps to Happiness By James Baraz more than a couple of times and gifted the book to friends and family. Years ago, I took his course Awakening Joy twice, maybe three (I need the repetition). James is a kind, gentle person and a great teacher. James teaches all over the world. He often leads retreats and gives dharma talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA. 

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