May You Be Well - Morning Pages & Overnight Oats
I've been adding to my daily self-care practices by picking up an old tried-and-true one. I renewed my Morning Pages practice, as described in The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. She tells us this is, “The bedrock tool of a creative recovery.” This practice was a part of my life for many many years and then slowly faded away. It is such a great way to start the day. Clear. A lot of mental chatter left on the page.
This year the need for clarity has moved up a few notches in the needs-scale for many of us. At this time in particular, clear seeing is imperative and a creative recovery is in order. So, I've decided to pick up the practices that help me. And I’m feeling extremely grateful to have this tool in my kit. I encourage you, whether you’ve never tried writing morning pages or started and stopped, that you try or try again now. Here is a link to Julia Cameron talking about this practice.
I’ve also been enjoying some wholesome overnight oats. I started with a bag I discovered through Farm Fresh to You. They were delicious and lower in sugar than expected. I’ve since gone solo. I use my favorite gluten-free oats and add personal favorites like pumpkin seeds, shredded coconut, ground flax seeds, dried cranberries or fresh blueberries. Lately I even add a scoop of Amazing Grass Green Superfood powder. I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk but any milk (dairy or non) works. Leave in fridge overnight and enjoy in the morning. Eat them cold, let come to room temperature, or warm them. Easy, nutritious, nourishing, and yummy—can’t go wrong.
Food truly is medicine. When I start my morning with something delicious and nutritious, I have more energy to make it through the day. Take care of the body and take care of your Self.
I've also included below some sites, podcast, books, and other items that I’ve been enjoying.
Hope you take in all the good in this weekend and savor it…
Rest and be well.
I’ve really enjoyed receiving 100 Brighter Days (a daily dose of art) from Yuko Miki. I love her art and her spirit. I found out about her art through a gift from a friend. You can check out her work here.
I am reading Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Out by Ruth King. She is a powerful author, educator, meditation teacher and wise woman. Learn more about Ruth here.
This is a very impactful podcast. It is real and hopeful. On Being, Episode 8942, Resmaa Manakem--”Notice the Rage; Notice the Silence.” Resmaa Menakem with Krista Tippett—the unedited version is the best! Resmaa Menakem is a therapist and trauma specialist. (