May You Be Well - Ode to Joy
Ode to joy
In the choice to let go of your
known way of being, the whole
World is revealed to your new eyes.
—Dana Faulds
May this writing find you well.
And well rested.
This week has been one of stillness in motion.
Last weekend, I decided to join a virtual walk to the Inca trail to be done over a week's time.
So, I've been walking.
Following along and stopping at
checkpoints on the map—along places where my ancestors likely walked.
Walking made me think about my desire for a pilgrimage.
My 2020 vision board has the words personal pilgrimage boldly placed
near a map and a picture of Santiago de Compostelas’s famous pilgrimage site.
Without any foresight into what this year would bring…
As it turns out, 2020 has become a personal pilgrimage year for many of us.
Dead Woman’s Pass—Warmiwañusqa in Quechua—named for the crest that resembles the form of a woman’s supine body. It is the highest point (13,828 ft) on the Inca Trail.