May You Be Well - Presence

Presence and ease

Dear Rest Friends,

A couple of weeks ago I completed an 8-week course on Wise Speech & Mindful Communication—a combination of the Buddha’s teachings on right speech and Marshall Rosenberg’s work on nonviolent communication. I’ve taken this class before and it's probably one of the hardest classes I’ve ever taken. There were over a thousand people from all over the world participating and it was wonderful being able to practice and connect with my buddy, an expat living in Qatar.

Presence is one of the first things we discussed and is a key element of the framework. In order to have clarity and connection in dialogues and in relationships, we all need to be there. So we start, and return to, embodied presence.

To help you find embodied presence, here is a short practice that helps us be present to ourselves first. It's based on HeartMath Institute’s practice called Notice and Ease™ and is helpful for self-regulating your mood. This technique is medicine and has helped me keep my composure in very tough situations.

I am also including the questions we explore during private LifeForce Yoga sessions. My clients find them helpful and they are an excellent tuning fork for embodied presence. Try a dose for yourself:

  1. How is my body feeling today?

  2. How is my breathing?

  3. How is my energy level?

  4. What feelings and emotions are present?

  5. What thoughts, images & beliefs are influencing my actions?

  6. What can I do to clear constrictions in body-mind to experience more joy, bliss and love?

I finished the Inca trail and the Grand Canyon and even have badges to show for it. :) Blanca and I are looking for our next walking adventure. If you are interested in joining me in any walking challenge, let me know. It is easy and fun. We can do it on our own and still feel like we are walking together.

Bodies are meant for motion and I find that walking and walking yoga nidras are helping me stay healthy and at least a bit saner (just ask Blanca).

I hope you are safe and well. And that part of your current story includes some fun and deep rest. I am thinking of you all and sending you my best. Have a wonderful week.

Please rest and be well.


p.s. We begin our Wild Women series next week! Click here for more info.

happy Blanca

Bodies are made for motion

Blanca’s happy face


Oren Jay Sofer
Here is a link for more info about the Wise Speech course I recently took with Oren. He is a powerful teacher and masterful communicator. He offers a variety of mindful communication courses, wrote the book “Say What You Mean,” and offers lots of free videos and resources for hard times online, which you can access by clicking here.

Feelings Inventory
Finding the right words to define our feelings is an essential component of mindful and nonviolent communication. It’s also HARD. Click here to access The Center for Nonviolent Communication’s Feelings Inventory. It is a great tool to have in service of presence and wise speech!

It’s always a good idea to watch the stars, and that’s especially true this weekend! Mars and the Moon are conjunct, Venus is visible, and Perseids shower nears its peak. Click here for some tips to see them. It’s always a magical moment to share in their presence.