Marcela Iglesias, MA, JD, RYT-200, LFYP II, DTR Facilitator
May You Be Well - Grounded and Free
Grounded & free
Eyes on the stars and feet on the ground
Dear Rest Friends,
I hope you had a peaceful week and that you got to enjoy some of the stars show—Perseids, Lion’s Gate, Mars snuggling up to the moon. Lots going on above.
And for those of us on this ground level, lots going on below as well. My 2020 vision board says: Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground. My vision turned out to be pertinent advice! Staying grounded for ourselves, for those we care about, and for our communities, seems to be more important now than ever.
With all that’s happening Earth-side, I’d like to bring awareness to the ground. What better way to help with thoughts and feelings of being untethered, than to work on our own ground level—our feet.
Our feet work so hard holding us up and getting us where we need to be. Paying attention to the feet is a great way to show them our gratitude. To that end, I want to take this opportunity to share a little something I learned in yoga therapy training. It is from the work of the late Mukunda Stiles’s Joint-Freeing Series. It’s a very simple but extremely effective practice to strengthen and support the feet. Here is a short and sweet audio recording guiding you through the first three exercises in the series, and here are the accompanying images for some visual support.
As you know, I've been walking quite a bit these past few months—my personal pilgrimage into a new chapter. Walking gives me agency. I know the best way for me to move forward in these uncertain times is by simply putting one foot in front of the other, and to that end, making sure those feet are tended to and cared for.
I wish the paths you take this week find you more sure-footed and grounded so you can keep those stars within reach.
Rest and be well, dear ones.
Love, Marcela
Mary Stewart Adams & The Storyteller’s Night Sky Stars and stories, two of my favorite things! Mary Stewart Adams is a Star Lore Historian and all around fascinating woman. She is an advocate of dark skies and led the team that established the 9th International Dark Sky Park in Michigan. Every Monday she shares a two minute podcast talking about what’s happening in the sky the coming week. Click on the links to check out her website and podcast.
Foot Bath Herbal Soaks My late best-friend, Christine, was the one who got me started on foot soaks using Chinese herbs. She once gifted me a cedar tub and what felt like a lifetime supply of herbs! We lost it in our house fire, but I always think of her (and her cute tiny feet) whenever I soak my tired toesies. In addition to feeling relaxing, foot baths are said to have many health benefits, including drawing out toxins. I now buy the herbal foot baths through my acupuncturist here or DIY it with the following: two cups of Epsom salts and one tablespoon of baking soda plus essential oils of Lavender (8 drops) and Eucalyptus (4 drops).