May You Be Well - Timeout
Dear Rest Friends,
This weekend I am taking time out to rest and renew. I am grateful that a dear friend gifted me the “Welcoming the Unwelcome” three-day retreat with Pema Chodron. I have followed Pema Chodron for many years. Her teachings have taught me skills that continue to help get me through rough times. Her wisdom, authenticity, humor and kindness make her a perfect teacher for these times.
Many of you know I take silent retreats at least once a year. I missed this year’s Contemplative Prayer Retreat. This was the worst year to miss! Retreats offer me solace, clarity and energy. The timeout from daily concerns and the stillness and quiet reconnect me with something larger than myself. Retreats re-energize me and refresh my spirit. They bring back joy and point me to what is right with me and the world.
If you have not tried a retreat yet, now is a good time to do so. A silver lining in this chaotic time is our ability to try new things virtually - where we can remain anonymous and still participate. I am happy to report that virtual experiences can still be intimate. They can make us feel connected in these times of isolation.
“Stillness is our most intense mode of action. It is in our moments of deep quiet that is born every idea, emotion, and drive which we eventually honor with the name of action. We reach highest in meditation, and farthest in prayer. In stillness every human being is great.”
— Leonard Bernstein
May you find some deep rest and enjoy a timeout in the week ahead.
Timeout retreat