May You Be Well - A Welcoming Practice
There is no controlling life.
Try corralling a lightning bolt,
containing a tornado. Dam a
stream and it will create a new
channel. Resist, and the tide
will sweep you off your feet.
Allow, and grace will carry
you to higher ground. The only
safety lies in letting it all in –
the wild and the weak; fear,
fantasies, failures and success.
When loss rips off the doors of
the heart, or sadness veils your
vision with despair, practice
becomes simply bearing the truth.
In the choice to let go of your
known way of being, the whole
world is revealed to your new eyes
Dear Rest Friends,
This poem by Danna Faulds is one of my favorites from her book Go In and In - Poems from the Heart of Yoga. It brings home one of the teachings from the retreat I attended last weekend.
Here is my take on the gist of a practice we explored during the retreat:
1) Whatever is happening - allow it.
2) Breathe deeply into whatever emotions, situations, thoughts and sensations come your way. As frustrating, distressing or enjoyable as they may be - simply give them the breath.
3) Create spaciousness around them with breath - give them room to be, make room for it all. Wrap them in compassion.
4) Soften your face, relax the jaw and exhale with a deep sigh of release.
5) Open your hands and let the energy contained in those emotions, thoughts and sensations move through you.
Just this… That’s it. Let it all come - welcome it all. Allow. Let the energy move and be here for yourself.
We are better equipped to tackle life’s twists and turns when we are awake and aware. If you think this practice might be right for you, try it. When we allow, we are able to shine light into what is happening. And we can digest the experiences so that our body, mind and soul can process and metabolize them. Nothing gets stuck. Yay!
Personally, I have been experimenting with holding constrictions, tension, and physical pain in a green open space. I imagine a wide open space under a grove of trees I visit on the walks. Because the green of nature brings me joy, I can release tension and make more room for me, inside. It was very helpful when the “quarantine inside the quarantine” as my friend calls it, started getting to me. The months of virus quarantine combined with unhealthy-air quarantine, became too much. I was feeling more anxious and angry. This short practice gave me space to see that I needed to move my body. So I walked my miles inside! And I cleaned house more often. Now, I am grateful for the bit of improvement in the air quality. And I am thoroughly enjoying this clean air break and the walks on the greenbelt. Blanca was so delighted to be out that we walked all the way to the river. Hopefully, we get some more time outdoors this weekend.
May you gratefully enjoy very bit of fresh air,
May you receive the hopeful energy of the new moon,
May you welcome the autumn solstice with joy in your heart.
Have a great week of compassionate abiding.
Allow, rest and be well.
If you are interested in getting out the vote this election year, give good-old-fashioned letter-writing a try. With Vote Forward it’s a turn-key process. I came across this organization via a well-respected meditation teacher. The message is non-partisan and is intended to get all eligible people to vote. I joined a couple of weeks ago and adopted five voters. I hope to add more this week. It’s easy - just print what they send and add your own note to personalize it. It’s all clearly outlined by VF. There’s a virtual letter-writing party on a September 21st where they guide through the process. The Hamilton cast (some of them) will be there!
Project Calm Magazine
I have been enjoying this magazine for some time now. I love their aesthetics, the projects, the photography, the articles, and the focus on slow-go and mindfulness. I appreciate the jolt of creativity I get even when I revisit older issues. I consider each issue a little treat - a gift. I get a chance to play with color and texture and to get my hands busy. Often, this is just what I need to lift my spirits and feed my soul.
Our river walk…
Happy to be out!